1. Participatory Net Planning methodology: – We adopt Participatory Net Planning Methodology to prepare the watershed project. A multidisciplinary team visits ridge line, drainages and all the plots in the watershed and conduct soil survey & land capability classification (LCC), contour survey, well survey and socio-economic survey. Treatment measures for area and drainage line are proposed based on this.
  2. Water balance Study: Water Balance Study to know the actual water discharge/need and the requirement to keep balance of it is being conducted in the watersheds while preparing detailed project report.
  3. Application of GIS platform
  4. Marking of contour using hydro markers before the implementation of the treatment measures to ensure that the treatment measures are being implemented adhere to the contour principle
  5. Ridge to valley approach is followed in planning as well as implementation of the treatment measures.
  6. Observation wells have been selected from various areas of the watershed and water table is being measured and recorded in the prescribed format to know the results of the watershed projects in augmenting water table.
  7. Participatory monitoring through Village Watershed Committee and User Groups/SHGs
  8. All the Registers, Accounts and Management Information System are being prepared by the people with the support of WDT and are kept at the watershed committee office
  9. Community contribution for implementing the treatment measures
  10. Preference to traditional treatment measures
  11. A portion of the fund for maintenance of the treatment measures implemented is collected from the community
  12. Net working the school with watershed programmes
  13. Family Based Livelihood Planning
  14. Front line demonstration programmes

CRD has associated with implementation of 49 watershed projects covering a total area of 39672 Ha. About 32000 families were covered under various components of the project.

Schemes wise number of projectsTotal
NoArea in HaNoArea in HaNoArea in Ha

* Project Facilitating Agency for 7 Projects + Resource Support Organization for 28 Projects